Yogis,  I prepared the following contemplation based in the Yoga Sutras for the Aquarian Age.  I hope you findkundalini-yoga-1 it helpful. Find some time to be pensive this week or on New Year’s Eve and make a plan for 2016.  Yogis live in the moment with one foot poised in the future.   You can go deep in 2016 with The Elemental Cleanse or Our 2016/17 Yoga Teacher Training.

Download the following exercise for easy printing here:

1. Do this one first to figure out where you have been all year:

DOWNLOAD (export as PDF to download from webpage)

or download pdf…month by month recap 2015

2.  Do this one 2nd to contemplate

5 sutras for the aquarian age worksheet

 Sutra 1:  There is a way through every block. 

  1. What blocks did you experience in 2015?
  2. Did you suffer from a habit, belief, or thought that held you back?
  3. In hindsight, what could you have done different? Are you still suffering from that block?

Write down 3 actions steps to bust through blocks in 2016.

Sutra 2: Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.

  1. Can you look back at the year 2015 and express compassion for yourself?
  2. Were there any moments when someone was compassionate to you and it deeply moved you?
  3. Reading through the list of current events, spend a moment to send light and love the victims of tragedy.
  4. Do you have words of advice for them or can you help them understand how their death has shifted the consciousness of the planet?
  5. Reading through the list of current events, spend a moment to send light and love to the perpetrators of tragedy.
  6. Can you offer them compassion?

Sutra 3: When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.

  1. What did you start in 2015 that you finished?
  2. What did you start and need to finish?
  3. What do you desire to start?

Write down 3 action steps to begin tomorrow.

Sutra 4:  Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos shall clear the path.

  1. Looking through the months, when were struggling the most?
  2. When were you relaxing into your moments?
  3. What was the best month and why?
  4. What was the most fun and why?
  5. Is there a pattern? Did chaos in your mind contribute to chaos in your life? Did peace contribute to peace? Write down examples.

Sutra 4: Recognize the other person is you.

  1. Who challenged you the most this year?
  2. What relationship was the most trouble for you or the most pleasure. Why?
  3. What is the lesson in this relationship for you?

Sutra 5: Habits to allow you to Vibrate with the Cosmos:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Right Choice Making for thoughts, emotions, food, drink, movement and rest
  • Good schedule of going to bed and getting up on time.
  • Doing what you love for a living.

Make a plan for 2016. How will you Vibrate with the Cosmos?

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.