Work related Stress (this works for family stress too) Pittas suffer enormously at work if they have bosses that disempower. Minimize and manage your stress at work by incorporating the following into your mind and environment:

• Arrive at work before rush hour and before coworkers. Use this time to quietly organize your day and make plans.

• Cool down your environment. Hang pictures of ocean scenes, buy a fish for your desk and bring in plants. If you listen to music, choose sounds of the ocean or nature to quietly play in the background.

• Bring in a soft lamp and turn the overhead lights off

. • If you are able to close your door at work, do so.

• Go for a walk outside at lunchtime. Get away from coworkers.

• Relinquish your need to be right. Have three working plans in your mind and flexibility around those plans. If someone makes a suggestion that fits into one of your plans, accept it.

• Drive home in silence and let your mind play out the events of the day. Simply observe them as if you are a witness. As emotions arise, simply notice them in a clinical and non-judgmental way. Be the observer.

• When you come home from work, greet your family with hugs and tell them you are going to take 15 minutes to unwind. Go to a secluded spot and lie down in Shavasana for ten minutes. Rest, relax and let your day go so that you can enjoy your family.

• If your family greets you at the door with their troubles, just let them talk. Relinquish the need to provide advice and solutions. They just want to talk and get it out. Just listen and let it go.

• You do love routine. Take time to schedule time for yourself daily. You require physical movement and solitude each day. Couple these needs with your love of the outdoors.

• Embrace Humor. Give yourself a time out! Seriously, Pitta can be abrupt and explode! When you feel anger rising during an interaction, simply give yourself and them the gift of a time out. Tell the other person that you are going to sit down and think through a few things for 5 or 10 minutes and you will get right back to them. Use the 10 minutes to simply breath in and out in a conscious way. Ask yourself:

• Does the other person have valid points?

• Is this worth getting angry over?

• Is there a better way to resolve this conflict than what we are discussing?

• What else don’t I know?

I hope this is helpful, OM, Pamela

Explore the Pitta Lifestyle

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.