The national discussion on guns, sexuality, and religion is loud today after the violence and loss in Orlando. I’m watching and listening. It feels to me generalized frustration has peaked on all levels from all sides of this same story playing out yet again. A generalized lack of common sense prevails and the desire for each individual to simply be heard is fanning the flames. Is there no way to collectively listen?

I’m struck by the judgments. I’m struck by the zealous passion of individuals. I’m struck by the mass inability to see the forest through the trees.

Mostly I’m struck by evil. Yes, in yoga there is good and there is evil. Both are aspects of God and one cannot be perceived without the other. Without dark there is no measure of light. The Gurus, Saints and Sages have all assured we will always have evil on this earth to create the backdrop necessary for this cosmic play. There will never be a utopian world where all are fed, accepted and loved.

Yet my insides scream at the brutal insanity and collective evil resulting from a lack of simple things like common sense, respect and an overall feeling of wellbeing allowing each individual to feel so rested in their own life there is no desire to disrupt the lives of others. The latter seems like a basic human right to me. How did we get so out of balance? How did we come to this place where the backdrop for our light became a sucking black hole? How do we get out?

The philosophy of yoga does provide the answer and it’s a doozy. The answer is to do your personal work. You as the individual must succeed at mastering your senses and creating an individualistically pure form of being. This is not something we can achieve collectively. Sure, you can hang out with other folks who cheer you on, but the work needing to be done is needing done on a personal level through the daily spiritual practices of meditation, movement and right living.

My teacher, Guru Dharam, would say it is my fault 50 people lost their lives in Orlando. My own personal lack of purity contributed to the collective closure of the field of potentiality resulting in a space/time event called mass murder. So today I am reminded to be a better a person and allow the power of my presence to uplift those who come in contact with me.

We all need to remember we are each above and below no one. We each house within us a saint and a devil. We individually have the capacity to choose a sattvic (pure) or tamasic (dark) course of action. We each have to investigate the details of our life from our current and personal level of consciousness and make better choices for love, compassion and understanding. We are all here to bear witness for each other to establish ourselves firmly in our existence.  Be the light.

Peace, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.