The Gurus have predicted as we continue our shift to the Age of Aquarius we will see endemic Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide. The World Health Organization agrees and predicts by 2020, depression will be the 2nd leading cause of disease for the world. We can blame it on the times we are in or we can accept the solid truth; you are the reason for not only your own suffering, but also the suffering of the entire planet.

I know, right?   This solid truth isn’t popular and I’d be more popular if I told you what you want to hear here, but then I wouldn’t be being a very good leader, yoga teacher, or friend.

Let me try to explain this to you in contemporary terms. There is a big debate about people being gay or transgender. Do they get to marry? Do they get to use the public restrooms? Can they serve in the military? I personally don’t have a single problem with any of this. I just see a lot of humans being human and I say let them be human. Others, however, have made it their personal mission to destroy the very fabric that makes us human for these humans. Why? It’s because they are suffering. They are suffering and so they create suffering and the world suffers more. Their minds are so disturbed they will never have peace. They will always hate. They are disturbed people creating disturbances in the cosmic web.

And that’s just one example. There’s the folks who have the need and right to carry guns. There’s those folks who simply gotta eat their beef and no one (including the AMA) can tell them it’s bad for them or the planet. There’s those folks killing and segregating for their religion. Ignorance. Narcissism. Pyschosis. I could go on.

Now here’s the tough part; What disturbs you? If it disturbs you, you are the problem. You are creating the very problem disturbing you. You are making the world a less than lovely place. The flip side of this is you also have the capacity to create bliss. Yogis call this nirvana. You also have the ability to be non-causal. Yogis call this enlightenment.

So what is the “how to” part of all this?

Meditate daily

Challenge what you believe and notice where those beliefs arise from.

Distance yourself from those with a disturbed mind.

Do not speak when angry or fearful.

Do not speak from ignorance. It is your responsibility to learn.

Do not complain.

Never make excuses.

Study the philosophy of yoga and you will learn the yogi code of conduct. Stick to it and disturbances will minimize.


Become a Yogi


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.