Nature’s rhythms are intrinsically present in our physical bodies.

The Universe orchestrates its activities in a very harmonious manner.  We are designed to live with these rhythms and to live in harmony with nature.

Circadian Rhythms, Seasonal, Lunar and Tidal Rhythms:

As the earth, sun and moon move in relationship to each other, you have a seasonal rhythm which makes you feel differently. …..lots of energy in summer, love in spring and fatigue and even depression in winter.

The moon affects our moods and bodies…..lunar rhythm.  If the body is 75% water, then it would follow that the pull of the moon affects our bodies.  The tidal rhythms live in us as well.  We come from water.

When we are not living in rhythm with nature, we may feel tired or anxious.  Think of the experience of jetlag.  You feel very out of sorts traveling across country.  You may experience constipation and interrupted sleep until your body adjusts to this new rhythm.



Meditation is the quickest way to pull yourself quickly back to balance.  When you meditate you are tuning into natures rhythms.

Ayurveda and the Rhythms

The Wind, Vata, is the principal of movement, transportation and activity that changes from moment to moment.

The Fire, Pitta, is the principal of transformation.

The Earth, Kapha, is the principal of cohesion, structure and stability.

Each Element is predominant at certain times of day

6am – 10 am  The Earth or Kapha period.  This is a hypometabolic period and the best time to perform excercises.  This is especially true if you want to lose weight.   If you are trying to heal your body, this is a good time to take medicine.

10am – 2 pm  The Fire or Pitta period.  This is the time when you are transforming.  Your Agni or digestive fire is highest at this time.  This is the best time for you to eat a large meal……lunch.

2pm – 6pm The Wind or the Vata period.  This is a hypermetabolic period.  This is when you want to do all of your thinking and work that requires thought and creativity.  Your mind is moving fast.

6pm – 10 pm  The Earth or Kapha period.  This is when we slowly wind down from the day.  By 10pm you are ready for bed.  Wind down.  Reading and Entertainment

10pm – 2 am  The Fire or Pitta period.  You are asleep and your body is digesting and healing.  Your body is rejuvenating itself and detoxifying.  This is a very important time to be asleep and healing.  Renew and Detox and Sleep

2am – 6 am  The Wind or Vata period.  You slowly become hypermetabolic.  This is when you have REM sleep.  You may find that this is the period of time when your sleep becomes interrupted.  Clear mental stress.

Get up at 6am, no later than 8:00 am.  This is when you will feel the freshest and most alert.  Drink your warm water to start the process of digestion.  This is a signal to your body.  Brush your teeth, scrape your tongue



Don’t attach to months.  Attach to the experience.  If you live in Florida, you have a different experience than if you live in Ohio.

The Wind        Autumn – cool and dry outside

The Fire         Summer – hot and moist outside

The Earth       Winter – cold and moist


Full Moon – The Earth or Kapha.  Bloating

New Moon – The Wind or Vata

High Tide – The Earth or Kapha

Low Tide – The Wind or Vata

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.